Teaching Resource Corner
We are very excited to announce the addition of our Teaching Resource Corner at our branch! If you are an educator, please feel free to visit our branch during business hours (Monday, Wednesday and Friday mornings 9:00 - noon) to sign out any of our teaching resources which consist of lesson plans and activities for students of all ages covering all historical Canadian military involvement. All material came from Veterans Affairs Canada.
The library consists of the following:
Lesson Plans Volume 1: South African War, WWI, Candlelight Tribute Ceremony, Borrow a Boot
Lesson Plans Volume 2: WWII
Lesson Plans Volume 3: The Korean War, The War in Afghanistan, The Gulf War
Lesson Plans Volume 4: Women in the Canadian Military, Women on the Home Front, Lest We Forget Her Dog Tags, My Grandmother's Wartime Diary
Lesson Plans Volume 5: Aboriginal Veterans, Veterans with Ties to Hockey
Christmas Lesson Plans & Activities: Send Holiday Cheer, Historical Christmas Stories, Giving Not Getting, Wish Letters & Shoebox Wishes, Humanitarian Aid Tree
Tales of Animals in War: Tales of Animals in War Yearly Editions, Tales of Animals in War Lesson Plans, Take Time to Remember Activity Booklets
Canada Remembers Times: Canada Remembers Times Yearly Editions, Canada Remembers Times Lesson Plans
Remembrance Season Toolkit: Service Guide, 50 Ways to Remember, Postcards for Peace, Borrow a Boot, Candlelight Tribute Ceremony, A Day of Remembrance, Guest Speakers, Symbols Bookmark Activity, Fallen Soldiers Under 18 Dog Tags
Fact Sheets: South African War, WWI, WWII, Korean War, Canadian Armed Forces, Indigenous Veterans, Women on the Home Front, Women in the Canadian Military
Remembrance Series Booklets: WWII, A Day of Remembrance, Valour at Sea, Canada's Nursing Sisters, God's Acre Veterans Cemetery
For more information, please visit our facebook site and send a PM, email branch77yorkton@gmail.com or call us at 306-783-9789.
Got a comment or question? Want clarification on something or want to see something added to the site? Just send us an email and we will see what can be done. Any and all constructive criticisms, positive points or just plain old "roses and raspberries" would be appreciated.
Address your concerns, comments or questions to this email address:
Royal Canadian Legion
General Alexander Ross Branch #77
387B Parkview Road (by Loaf 'N Jug)
Yorkton, SK S3N 2L4
Phone: 1-306-783-9789
Email: branch77yorkton@gmail.com