Honour Our Veterans Banner Program

Honour Our Veterans Banner Program

The Yorkton Legion General Alexander Ross Branch #77 is proud to invite sponsors to participate in the Honour Our Veterans Banner Program. This program is designed to create a lasting legacy of remembrance and honour within our community that will enable our residents and visitors to pay tribute to our veterans. Honourees can be any man or woman who served Canada or its allies in a war, on a peacekeeping mission, or in the Cold War, and any active service members including RCMP. They should have served in the military, the merchant marine, or in the nursing or other medical corps during the conflict. The honouree should have some connection to the Yorkton District (born here, grew up here, lived here, related to a current resident), or be a First Nations veteran from our surrounding area.

The program is open to any member of the public wishing to honour a veteran. If you don't know of anyone personally but still want to sponsor a banner, we, at the Legion, may be able to choose an appropriate local veteran for you.

For participation in the Honour Our Veterans Banner Program, contact the Legion office at (306)783-9789 or email branch77yorkton@gmail.com and we will forward an application to you. You can also download the application from the "Links" area. The cost of sponsorship is $200.00 which can be paid by cheque or e-transfer. The sponsorship covers the placement of the banner for up to five (5) years, as long as it remains in good repair. After five years, or when normal wear and tear prevents its display, sponsors will have the option to replace it. This is an ongoing program. The deadline for 2024 banners is May 15, 2024.

For the 2023 banner biography guide please follow this link: Banner Guide

For the 2023 banner map please visit our Facebook page by following this link: Map

Monday, January 31, 2022, the Veterans Banner Committee received a Group Civic Recognition Award from the City of Yorkton for our Honour Our Veterans Banner Program. This reward is given in recognition of two or more individuals involved in an organized group that contributes towards the betterment of the City of Yorkton. The Yorkton Legion and the Veterans Banner Committee are very proud to be recognized in this manner. 

Veterans Banner Committee members David Balysky, Perry Ostapowich, Chad McDowell, Geoffrey Rushowick, Tamara Hall, Ken Gordon and Peter Wyatt accepting the Group Civic Recognition Award plaque from Gerry Peppler, Chair of the Civic Recognition Awards Selection Committee. Banner Committee members Brittany Johnson and Shawn Hall were unable to attend. 

Members of City Council with the Honour our Veterans Banner Committee.

2022 LAUNCH 

Banner installation began September 25, 2022. A big thank you to our installation partners this week, Maple Ag & Outdoor Ltd. & Miccar Aerial Ltd. Many thanks as well to Scott Johnson who installed the banners!

The final installation day was Sunday, October 2nd. Thanks to Flaman Sales Ltd. for donating the lift and Home Hardware for use of their parking lot. Again, special thanks to our volunteer, Scott Johnson, who installed all the banners! 

Saturday, October 1st was the unveiling ceremony for the 2022 banners. Thirty-four banners were displayed. The ceremony was very well attended, the weather was perfect and the sponsors were very pleased with the ceremony!

Comrade President Ken Gordon was the MC for the ceremony.

Ferne Katzberg, Pipe Major, with Colour Party Members - Comrades Kathy Gordon, Evelyn Stachura, Shawn Rooks and Mat Stringfellow.

Life member, Comrade Ed St. Pierre, along with Branch President Ken Gordon and Ed's wife, Harriet, with his banner which was sponsored by the Yorkton Legion. 

Click here for 2023 Banner Application

Click here for Honour Our Veterans Commemorative Guide.




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Address your concerns, comments or questions to this email address:

Royal Canadian Legion
General Alexander Ross Branch #77
387B Parkview Road (by Loaf 'N Jug)
Yorkton, SK S3N 2L4
Phone: 1-306-783-9789
Email: branch77yorkton@gmail.com