Community Merit Award
General Alexander Ross Branch #77 Yorkton is very proud to be the recipient of one of the Yorkton Chamber of Commerce Community Merit Awards for 2020, sponsored by SaskTel. A summary of what was put forth by the sponsor for consideration of the award is as follows:
The mission of the Legion is to serve veterans and their dependents, promote remembrance and act in the service of Canada and its communities.
Through its work and volunteer efforts, the Legion has contributed to the overall quality of life and to the economy of the community. Last year, $20,000 was donated to groups and organizations in Yorkton and the Province of Saskatchewan focused on support for seniors, health care and youth. (A list of these donations can be viewed under "Remembrance Activities 2020" at the bottom of the page which shows the Oct. 1, 2019 - Sept. 30, 2020 poppy campaign report.) The poppy and wreath campaigns take hundreds of volunteer hours and the support of the business community.
In 2019, the Legion partnered with Yorkton Regional High School and planted tulips at the cenotaph and city cemetery as part of the national Liberation 75 Tulip Campaign, the goal being to plant 1.1 million tulips across Canada in honour of each of the Canadians who served during WWII.
While most people know the Legion through its Remembrance Day ceremony, which has seen a positive increase in community participation over the last few years, the Legion also holds the ashes ceremony at the city cemetery in remembrance of D Day each year on June 6.
Working with youth is a key focus for the Legion. The Legion provides four bursaries to both Yorkton Regional High School graduates and Sacred Heart High School graduates each year. Last year, seven bursaries were claimed totalling $5,250. A significant amount of work is done with local schools including Remembrance Day activities, poster and essay contests, special events and headstone cleaning projects. In addition, many hours are spent volunteering in supporting organizations and events such as providing Colour Parties for the Yorkton Exhibition parade, official city events, provincial sporting events and the Santa Claus parade.
The Legion supports Veterans and their families through contributions to military resource centres and towards the purchase of medical equipment so they can remain independent. Medical health advocacy and PTSD are additional focuses for the Legion. Several members are going through training so support can be provided for service personnel in our communities.
The Legion also provides fellowship and socializing opportunites. The Legion has a bowling league and hosted several cribbage tournaments in the past.
The Legion houses many historical artifacts and memorabilia from Veterans for posterity.
The Yorkton Legion was established in 1926 with General Alexander Ross as its first branch president.
Got a comment or question? Want clarification on something or want to see something added to the site? Just send us an email and we will see what can be done. Any and all constructive criticisms, positive points or just plain old "roses and raspberries" would be appreciated.
Address your concerns, comments or questions to this email address:
Royal Canadian Legion
General Alexander Ross Branch #77
387B Parkview Road (by Loaf 'N Jug)
Yorkton, SK S3N 2L4
Phone: 1-306-783-9789