Head Table
A couple of our special guests swapping a few war stories for sure.
One happy Poppy Campaign Chair happy that her job is just about over Im sure.
What is it about Legions and good food???
Our Sgt at Arms must have gotten out of a parking ticket or something...
Betty already at her post waiting for everyone to head on in to the banquet supper.
Final preparations just before supper.
Head table guests just about ready to be piped in.
Our MC for the evening. Comrade Linda McCulough
Bringing greetings on behalf of the province, MLA Greg Ottenbreit
Bringing greetings on behalf of the City, Mayor James Wilson.
The evenings main speaker, Comrade John Miller.
Warrant Officer Derrick Nearing delivering a pointed message on Afghanistan and "is it worth it."
Who said men couldnt win the centre pieces on the tables?
Silver Cross Mother Susan Shipway with her husband Charles and Corporals Mike Pehlivanian and Chris Palahicky.
2009 Surviving D-Day Veterans. From L to R Comrades Al Morley, Wm Winnitony, Mike Derkatch, and John Miller. (Photo provided by the News Review)
Time for Refreshments
Starting to come in.
Sentries in position.
Comrade John Miller with the Silver Cross Mother, Mrs Susan Shipway and her husband Richard.
Getting ready to march into the Agriplex.
Comrades Kay McInnes and John Miller after the parade.
Official Flag Rasing Party at City Hall for Remembrance Day 2009 (Photo provided by the News Review)